Suicide takes the lives of more than 44,965 Americans every year.
Today is World Mental Health Day, and at Alaska Northern Lights we take sucide prevention very seriously. Not only do our light therapy products help prevent the side effects of seasonal and general depression, but also made it our mission to help spread mental health awareness.
For World Mental Health Day 2019, World Health Organization created materials to help educate you in preventing sucide in your personal life. Whether you’re a teacher, emergency responder, or a stay-at-home parent, there are tips for catching early warning signs in your peers and loved ones.
Knowing the signs is one of the most important parts of sucide prevention. Some signs can include:
- Talking about death or suicide
- Social withdrawal
- Lack of interest in activities or hobbies
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Extreme mood swings
If you’d like to learn more about the positive effects of bright light therapy, you can read it on our website here.