Can’t Sleep? 7 Ways to Regulate Your Sleep Schedule

  1. Wake up at the same time every day.

This may seem obvious, but waking up at the same time every day is one of the easiest things you can do to help keep your sleep on track.

  1. Cut back on the nighttime stress.

If you tend to over think at night, keep a journal at your bedside. Set aside a few minutes before bed to write about all the things that are worrying you. Journaling is an effective tool for stress management and memory improvement.

  1. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Studies show that exercising every day can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer.

  1. Avoid blue lights before bed.

The blue lights produced by your electronics and overhead lights can produce wavelengths that cause your body to produce less melatonin. While this can be helpful during the day, lower melatonin levels will make it harder for you to fall asleep at night.

  1. Avoid caffeine after lunchtime.

Caffeine is a stimulant, meaning it can keep you up at night. The half-life of coffee (the time it takes for your body to eliminate ½ the caffeine) is approximately 5-6 hours. Avoiding caffeine after lunchtime can ensure you won’t have caffeine left in your body by bedtime.

  1. Keep your room cool.

The suggested temperature for a good night of sleep is 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. Your body’s temperature decreases as it tries to sleep, so decreasing your room’s temperature can aid the process.

  1. Try light therapy!

Light therapy is a proven method of regulating your sleep schedule. Using a light therapy device daily can help boost your serotonin and regulate your melatonin, making it a great, natural way to fall asleep.

