Recommended Usage


You should use your light box for 20-30 minutes per day (five to seven days per week or as needed), sitting directly in front of your unit within the 10,000 LUX range. You can sit further away from the treatment boxes for a longer period of time, just make sure that the light is entering into your eyes (not the side of your face).

In addition to using bright light therapy boxes, the following light box recommendations will enhance the treatment of depression, winter blues and SAD:

  1. Avoid wheat, sugar and other refined carbohydrates.
  2. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  3. Exercise daily. If you can’t get outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, the next best thing is turning on your light box while walking on the treadmill or exercising at home. (I have found to be a great resource for exercise videos/DVD’s. There are 1000’s of selections and the best part is you get to watch a 60 second clip of any video so you know what you’re getting.)
  4. Eat food high in vitamin B 1 including brewer’s yeast, broccoli, brown rice, brussels sprouts, eggs, asparagus, fish, poultry, whole grains, legumes, oatmeal, nuts and raisins.
  5. Eat food high in vitamin B 12 such as fish, cheese, eggs, beef, chicken, turkey, milk and yogurt.
  6. Eat foods high in vitamin C such as citrus and other fruits.
  7. Read, grow, learn. is an incredible resource of books, DVD’s and other materials for anyone that is interested in healing, expanding their mind, or continuing to learn and grow – another great way to spend time using bright light therapy boxes.
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