What is Light Box Therapy?

a person looking out the window having winter blues

If you’ve been feeling drained during the winter months, you might be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which often stems from a disruption in your circadian rhythm. This internal “body clock” can be thrown off by the lack of natural daylight during shorter winter days. 

One highly effective and safe treatment for SAD is light box therapy. This non-invasive therapy involves exposure to a specially designed light box that mimics natural daylight, helping to reset your circadian rhythm and alleviate symptoms like fatigue, low mood, and lack of motivation. 

Even for those dealing with the “winter blues,” a milder form of seasonal depression, light box therapy is a popular choice for combating the effects of limited daylight exposure. By using a light box for just 20 to 60 minutes a day, particularly in the early morning, you can naturally stimulate serotonin production, the hormone responsible for regulating mood and energy levels. 

Learn more about light box therapy benefits and how it can lift your mood, leaving you feeling renewed, refreshed, and revitalized.

Key takeaways:

  • Light box therapy affects the part of the eye that communicates to the brain, affecting mood.
  • SAD lamps can mimic the same amount of light our body needs from the sun.
  • Light box sessions can be as quick as 10 to 15 minutes a day to relieve SAD symptoms.

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Table of contents

  1. What is light box therapy?
  2. How does light box therapy work?
  3. Benefits of light box therapy
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

What is light box therapy?

Light boxes are designed to emit an intense level of brightness, often reaching up to 10,000 lux, which mimics the natural sunlight that’s noticeably absent during the late fall and winter months. For those living in regions where daylight is scarce, especially in places like Alaska, the lack of sunlight can lead to exhaustion, lethargy, and low mood, all commonly associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). 

This is where light box therapy comes in as a highly effective treatment, providing the body with the light exposure it desperately craves, even when it’s dark outside. It works by delivering bright, simulated daylight that helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm—your natural sleep-wake cycle—and boosts serotonin levels, improving both mood and energy. 

Consistent use of light therapy can ease feelings of exhaustion, help you stay alert throughout the day, and support a more balanced emotional state. Over time, users often notice a marked improvement in their overall mood, experiencing the revitalizing effects of this natural therapy. 

How does light box therapy work?

The concept is simple: you sit near a light box emitting bright, white light that mimics natural daylight. Depending on your needs, these sessions can vary—from as little as 15 to 20 minutes to as long as an hour each day. The duration of each session is flexible, allowing individuals to tailor the therapy to what works best for their unique situation and lifestyle.

For some, shorter, more frequent sessions are enough to provide relief from the fatigue and mood disturbances associated with SAD, while others may benefit from longer exposure to fully experience the therapeutic effects. Over time, regular exposure to this bright light helps restore the body’s circadian rhythm, improving sleep patterns, boosting energy levels, and lifting your mood.

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Benefits of light box therapy

Sitting in front of a specialized lamp can boost energy, memory, and sleep. Improving your overall mood is just one of the many light box therapy benefits you can get.

Enhances Energy

During winter months, many people receive little to no sunlight, which can make them feel down. One of the benefits of SAD light therapy is that it helps the body produce more serotonin hormones, which in turn boosts energy levels.

SAD lamps can create the same amount of light our bodies need from the sun. After one week of use, some users report getting rid of their winter blues and thus reclaiming their energy.

Provides Better Productivity and Focus

When you feel more energized, you’re also mentally sharper and more focused. Being exposed to bright and intense light can boost our productivity. It can also keep you alert and attentive throughout the day, which can help improve your performance at work or in school.

Facing a light box every morning can help calm your mind. This type of therapy doesn’t require physical effort. You can do it while eating, reading, or listening to music every day.

Regulates Rest and Sleep

If you find yourself awake through the night, try SAD light therapy to get better sleep. Using these specialized lamps can promote longer night sleep with fewer disturbances.

Light boxes support your natural sleep-wake cycle to produce more melatonin and reduce daytime sleepiness. Melatonin regulates and resets your circadian rhythm so you can finally end your sleepless nights.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Having higher serotonin levels can help manage mood, so you’ll be less likely to develop anxiety. SAD lamps can imitate outdoor light, which helps brighten and lift your mood.

Light box therapy is a low-cost way to improve mood-related symptoms such as irritability, lack of interest, loss of enjoyment, and unexplainable feelings of sadness. Thirty minutes of light exposure a day can decrease your stress and anxiety levels.

Improves Memory and Concentration

Patients with dementia can benefit from light box therapy. Research suggests that better sleep leads to improved cognition. It can also increase blood flow in the brain that is crucial for your memory and concentration.

Eases Symptoms of Depression

People with seasonal affective disorder have trouble sleeping and may feel tired all the time. But for those who respond well to light box therapy when combined with medication, depression symptoms will begin to improve within a week.

Common symptoms of SAD include:

  • Feeling low or irritable
  • Lack of interest and enjoyment in daily activities
  • Feeling worthless and guilty
  • Having less energy
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Sleeping less
  • Struggling to concentrate
  • Increased appetite
  • Gaining weight
  • Suicidal thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions 

How quickly will Light Box Therapy work?

Light box therapy works as quick as 3 to 4 days. It should not take long after starting light box therapy treatment to feel relief from some SAD symptoms, or to feel increased energy for those suffering from the winter blues. If there aren’t any noticeable changes after a week or two of using light box therapy, you should consult your doctor for a different kind of treatment or medication.

Who can use Light Box Therapy?

Anyone with SAD symptoms can use light box therapy. People with depression who are pregnant or elderly can try this instead of relying too much on medication. Older people and those with limited mobility who spend more time at home and in dim environments are prone to depression. Light box therapy can help ease their anxiety.

Will Light Box Therapy work for me?

There is no guarantee that light box therapy will alleviate all of your symptoms, but research has shown that it works 80% of the time with those suffering from SAD. That means there is a great chance that light box therapy is the answer you have been looking for.

When to use a Light Box?

Sit in front of the light first thing in the morning after you wake up. This can help boost your mood and energy.

​​Are there any side effects of using Light Box Therapy?

Yes, there could be side effects such as eye strain and headaches, but these are mild and uncommon. Make sure to choose a light box that filters out UV light, which is dangerous to your eyes and skin.

What if I have concerns about Light Box Therapy?

Consult your doctor. A health professional can also help you determine if light box therapy is suitable for you, and for how long you can sit near the light. 

Where can I purchase a Light Box?

At Alaska Northern Lights, we understand the profound impact that long, dark winters can have on mental health, especially for those experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). That’s why we offer a range of light boxes specifically designed to help alleviate the symptoms of SAD and the winter blues. 

Our light boxes simulate natural daylight, providing the therapeutic benefits necessary to combat the fatigue, mood swings, and low energy that often accompany the winter months. Our light boxes help reset your internal body clock, regulate serotonin production, and restore balance to your circadian rhythm—helping you feel more energized on the darkest days.

We pride ourselves on delivering reliable, high-quality solutions that have been trusted by thousands of people facing depression or seasonal mood fluctuations. With our light boxes, you can take proactive steps to reclaim your well-being and maintain a brighter, more balanced outlook throughout the winter. 

Brighten Your Mood With Light Box Therapy

Experience the wonders of light box therapy from the comfort of your home. At Alaska Northern Lights, our lamps can emit bright light closest to natural sunlight. Visit our website to learn more about the benefits of SAD light therapy.

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