Spring Brings Lots Of Health Benefits

Spring arrived on March 20 across countries including the US promising lot of sunshine, blooming flowers, warm weather after chilly winters and good health. You can peel off your winter wear and get ready to bask in sun.

Spring is the season to celebrate good health. If winter chills had brought you down, now is the time to get your health back on track.

You get extra daylight now – more sunlight means more vitamin D. All those bones that creaked in winter can now soak up all vitamin D necessary to be strong.

Not only vitamin D, but spending more time outdoors in sun, can boost your mood. Accoridng to WebMD, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) sets in winter mainly and hence, it is also called winter depression. Golden sunshine of spring lifts up the gloom you experienced in winter. You cannot stay down in dumps when sun is shinning and birds are chirping.

Outdoor activities could improve your health and reduce stress levels and lowers blood pressure. According to Fitness Peak, spending time outdoors lessens pain, helps sleep better, and improves body functioning for daily activities.

In spring, market is full of fresh vegetables and fruits. Peas, asparagus, kale, radicchio, and more reach their prime during spring. You can have platter of nature’s freshness everyday boosting your blood count.

The harsh winds of winter made your hair and skin dull. In spring, you fill up yourself with sunlight, making your skin and hair glow. Even if you take moisturizers off your side-table, remember to use sun protection with SPF of at least 15 daily, which is essential in any weather.

Read the full article here: http://www.healthaim.com/spring-arrives-bring-lots-health-benefits/47503

