Press – Sleep Awareness Week


Alaska Northern Lights Observes Sleep Awareness Week March 7 – 13. Between 30 – 40 Percent of Americans Report Insomnia Each Year.

Reno, NV – Alaska Northern Lights (, manufacturer of a Bright Light Therapy box that aids in treating chronic sleep disorders, is observing National Sleep Awareness Week, March 7- 13. The annual public education campaign promoting the importance of sleep ends with the clock change to Daylight Saving Time. According to the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health, about 30 – 40 percent of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia yearly. Light therapy can be a safer, less expensive alternative therapy than over the counter and prescription drugs.

“Sleep disorders result in car crashes, loss of productivity at work, loss of intimacy among couples and overall increased health care costs,” says Alaska Northern Lights president, Cort Christie. “We find that our light box treatment, commonly prescribed by physicians for seasonal affective disorder or SAD, also works extremely well for insomnia and other sleep disorders.” Christie says that daily use of the Bright Light Therapy box can reduce time lost from work due to sleep and circadian rhythm disorders.

According to Wikipedia which lists studies supporting the use of a light box for sleep disorders, “In the management of circadian rhythm disorders such as delayed sleep phase syndrome, the timing of light exposure is critical. The light must be provided as soon after spontaneous awakening as possible to achieve the desired effect, as shown by the phase response curve for light in humans. Some users have reported success with lights that turn on shortly before awakening (dawn simulation). Morning use may also be effective for non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome, while evening use is recommended for advanced sleep phase syndrome.”

“Many people subscribe to the ‘I’ll just deal with it’ line of thinking when it comes to insomnia,” said Christie. “But insomnia may lead to serious health problems and puts a tremendous strain on relationships. It can point to more serious problems like sleep apnea which affects nearly 18 million people in the U.S.” The Bright Light Therapy box manufactured by Alaska Northern Lights is a healthy and less expensive alternative to prescription drugs which can make users groggy and have led to bizarre side effects such as sleep eating and sleep driving. “We think that based on studies showing the effectiveness of light treatment for sleep disorders, people should try a safe, non prescription treatment first to treat their problem.”

Christie points out some facts associated with sleep disorders:

  • Sleep-related employee problems cost corporations $46 billion annually in lost productivity.
  • The cost of health care is driven up by increased number of claims for sleep-loss related illnesses such as gastritis, lower back pain and headaches.
  • In a survey, 80 percent of policemen admitted to falling asleep at least once a week on night shift.
  • Vehicular crashes are the third leading cause of death and injury in the United States, and up to 20% of them are sleep related.
  • Sleep loss of four hours is equivalent to being drunk with a blood alcohol level of 0.1%.

Christie says, “Even when people go to their primary physician for checkups, 95 percent of the time the patient is not asked about sleeping patterns or habits. There’s nothing embarrassing about being treated for sleep problems. Good, effective sleep is integral to overall health and wellness.”

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