Are you feeling under the weather lately? You might be suffering from the classic case of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which are bouts of depression often associated with winter. SAD most commonly begins in late fall with symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, and poor appetite.
Can the weather affect your mood? Yes, people with SAD experience mood changes. When there is less sunlight, it can make people feel distressed, overwhelmed, and upset.
Read on to learn more about how does the weather affect your mood.
Key takeaways:

- Mood affected by the weather can lead to a sense of dreariness, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of hopelessness.
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) makes a person feel sad and lethargic.
- Light box therapy can mimic the amount of sunshine our body needs to produce happy hormones.
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Table of contents- How does the weather affect your mood?
- What is seasonal affective disorder?
- Factors Influencing a Person’s Mood
- Ways to Improve Your Mood
- FAQs
- Conclusion
How does the weather affect your mood?
Extreme temperatures can influence how a person with seasonal depression would perceive their surroundings. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) makes a person feel sad and lethargic, which are effects of having less serotonin in our brains.Visit our blog to learn more.
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
SAD is a type of depression that only happens during a particular time of the year, such as the winter months. Light box therapy is an effective treatment for SAD. A light box with 10,000 lux can mimic the amount of sunshine our body needs to produce happy hormones. Symptoms of SAD may include:- Losing interest in hobbies and daily activities
- Feeling sad for no reason
- Sluggish and low energy
- Overeating and weight gain
- Suicidal thoughts
Weather Increases Suicide Risks
Changes in the weather lead to increased reports of suicidal attempts in the spring and early summer. According to research, rapidly rising temperatures may activate a mood episode, especially for people with bipolar disorder.
Factors Influencing a Person’s Mood
Stress and lack of sleep are the most common factors that can cause negative mood. Meanwhile, mood affected by the weather can also lead to a sense of dreariness, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of hopelessness. Here are some of the factors that come into play:Higher Temperatures
Research suggests that warmer temperatures can boost a person’s energy. When the temperature is around 21 degrees Celsius, we tend to be in a better mood. However, extremely hot temperatures can make us feel agitated and upset. Conversely, cold weather triggers our bodies to cool down or hibernate. This explains why we feel less energy during cooler months. Studies show that low temperatures below 10 degrees Celcius can bring our mood levels down.Poor Sleep
People who are deprived of sleep often feel irritable, frustrated, and short-tempered. Not having enough sleep makes a person vulnerable to stress and anxiety. Moreover, sleeplessness can contribute to mental exhaustion and lack of concentration. Difficulty sleeping is one of the first symptoms of depression. If sleep problems persist, these can lead to insomnia and other psychological issues like extreme anxiety and panic disorder. Stress also makes our body awake and alert, thus resulting in abnormal sleep patterns and mood changes.Lack of Exercise
Physical inactivity can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression. Without exercising regularly, the brain can’t release enough endorphins and serotonin to lift your mood. Even just 10 days without fitness can be detrimental to our cognition and memory. We start losing our concentration and may feel increased levels of sadness.Burnout
If you’re overworked, it can steal away your energy. It leaves you with nothing to give into every aspect of your life, such as home, work, and social life. Burnout decreases your productivity levels and makes you feel hopeless and resentful.Hormonal Changes
Females commonly experience mood changes two weeks before their period or menstrual cycle. Shifting levels of estrogen and progesterone may significantly affect the mood. On the other hand, elevated cortisol levels or stress hormones can also make you feel aggressive. In some cases, the thyroid gland can also affect a person’s mental health. People with thyroid disease report symptoms of depression and anxiety. If it’s severe, negative emotions may also heighten.Heat
Extreme heat also brings out the worst in people. Human aggression is directly associated with warmer temperatures. If it’s scorching hot, we may easily get angry and irritable due to discomfort and inconvenience. Heat plays a huge part in triggering negative emotions because of its impact on serotonin. With decreased levels of happy hormones, higher levels of stress and fatigue tend to resurface because of extreme heat.Nature
Going for a walk is one of the most effective ways to de-stress. Being in nature generates many positive emotions, such as joy and creativity. It can also facilitate concentration and improve our overall well-being. However, during the winter months, people tend to stay indoors to keep themselves warm. This can decrease their connectedness to nature, thus contributing to depression, stress, and anxiety.Ways to Improve Your Mood
If you’re feeling down, there are some ways you can do to improve your mood. Below are some tips to boost your overall health and well-being.Get Regular Exercise
Endorphins are chemicals that can boost our mood. With regular exercise, you can achieve higher levels of endorphins, which can alleviate symptoms of depression.Eat a Balanced Diet
What you eat can highly impact your mood. Avoid consuming processed foods high in sugar and fat content as these can increase your risk for depression. A healthy and balanced diet with green and fibery foods like fruits and vegetables can improve your memory and boost your level of optimism.Go Out in Nature
Sitting or walking outside for as little as 10 minutes can positively change your mood. Immersing yourself in nature helps eliminate stress and relax your mind and body. People with seasonal depression can feel better when they are outside. Nature can also reduce stress levels and lower blood pressure and heart rate.Socialize with Your Loved Ones
Spending time with the people you love, including your friends and family can help improve your moods and lessen feelings of isolation. Positive interactions with friends may help with alleviating depression symptoms like irritability and random bouts of sadness.Practice Relaxation Techniques
Yoga or meditation with deep breathing can promote calmness and relaxation. Meditating regularly decreases limbic system activity or the part of the brain that controls our emotions. Once this decreases, you can respond well to stressful situations.FAQs
How Mood Impacts Your Health and Well-Being?
People with depression have difficulty concentrating and making decisions. Mood can also affect your physical health, including increased risks of heart disease and stroke. With higher levels of stress, your body is prone to digestive issues, headaches, muscle tension, and sleep problems, among others.What Happens to Your Mood With Lack of Sunlight?
Winter days can cause our bodies to produce less serotonin. This can decrease your energy levels and trigger negative emotions. A drop in serotonin can also disrupt your internal clock and result in depression.Can Exposure to Light Improve Your Mood and Sleep?
Yes, it can help with regulating your circadian rhythms. Ultimately, the weather can change your mood but with SAD light therapy, you can solve your abnormal sleep patterns. Light boxes emit light equivalent to natural light, which can help you relax and sleep better at night.Does the Weather Also Affect Your Personality?
Yes, the weather can play a crucial role in how we act, feel, and perceive things around us. Notice that when it’s summer and scorching hot, many people become overly aggressive. In winter, people tend to be lazier and calmer because their bodies are in a hibernation state.How Do We Cure Seasonal Affective Disorder?
There’s no guaranteed cure for SAD, but you can try different treatments, like light box therapy. This involves sitting in front of a bright light, which can be an effective alternative to sunlight.Where Can I Purchase a Light Box for SAD Treatment?
At Alaska Northern Lights, we have different types of light boxes specifically designed for people suffering from SAD. Our light boxes continue to bring relief to people with winter blues and depression.Shop for a light box today!